- From the CATO Institute: Rick Perry’s Spending Record
- From LifeNews.com:
As you find interesting information about the major candidates, I'd like to hear about it. What criteria do you go by in choosing your favorite?
- From the CATO Institute: Rick Perry’s Spending Record
- From Bill O'Reilly: Daily Briefing: Rick Perry holds the record on executions. Details: http://bit.ly/qM76tB
- From LifeNews.com: Perry signs the pro-life pledge opposing Roe, tax-funded abortions, and supporting good judges. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/0
8/24/rick-perry-signs-pro-life -pledge-on-abortion-judges/
A main attraction at the Northwest Washington Fair this year was our Presidential Straw Poll. The official results of our straw poll are as follows: Rick Perry-220, Michelle Bachman-80, Sarah Palin-66, Mitt Romney-50, Ron Paul-49, Herman Cain-28, Newt Gingrich-18, Chris Christie-16, Paul Ryan-12, Rick Santorum-9, Marco Rubio-8, Barack Obama-6.