Thursday, August 25, 2011

More about Rick Perry

Thanks to the folks who posted these links on my Facebook wall today, because they started the information gathering process for me:

  • From Bill O'Reilly: Daily Briefing: Rick Perry holds the record on executions. Details:

As you find interesting information about the major candidates, I'd like to hear about it.  What criteria do you go by in choosing your favorite?

Local Republican straw poll picks Perry for President

From the Whatcom Republicans Facebook page August 24, 2011:

A main attraction at the Northwest Washington Fair this year was our Presidential Straw Poll. The official results of our straw poll are as follows: Rick Perry-220, Michelle Bachman-80, Sarah Palin-66, Mitt Romney-50, Ron Paul-49, Herman Cain-28, Newt Gingrich-18, Chris Christie-16, Paul Ryan-12, Rick Santorum-9, Marco Rubio-8, Barack Obama-6.

 Check out their website ( for other interesting information, including the latest Whatcom County ballot counts.