Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How Safe Is This Elective Surgery?

You'd think it would make sense to keep a public record of abortion deaths and complications; but according to this article, such reporting is done on a voluntary basis only:

In Kansas earlier this year, legislators trying to look into the deaths of five women got quite a shock: They were told in a March 9 hearing that five women had died after the same elective procedure but, astonishingly, the Kansas Public Health Department could neither confirm nor deny the figures.
In fact, across the United States, public-health departments only haphazardly collect information about deaths and complications from this elective procedure, which touches the lives of at least one out of every ten people in the United States. The procedure is abortion.
Abortion advocates commonly claim that “abortion is safer than childbirth.” But is that true? Little published information exists in the United States on deaths and complications resulting from abortion.
In the U.S., there are two sources of data on abortion deaths and complications, both equally unreliable: the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Alan Guttmacher Institute. Both rely on voluntary (not mandatory) reporting. Neither has any reliable mechanism for double-checking the accuracy of the submitted information.
Read the rest of the article: How Safe Is This Elective Surgery? - By Clarke Forsythe & Donna Harrison - The Corner - National Review Online

I linked to this article for two reasons:

(1) Deaths and complications related to abortions should be reported, so that women can make fully-informed decisions about their health care; right now the information is being denied them, covered up in favor of "protecting" the abortion industry; and

(2) In response to the comments I received from "Anonymous," who believes Planned Parenthood is a victim of a vast right-wing conspiracy, when all it really wants to do is help poor people. You're just not going to convince me, my friend. You're also not going to get posted, if you won't stand behind your "facts" and use your real name. It's nice to know you're reading the blog, though.


  1. I recently read a pro-abortion blog post that was complaining about new regulations that were signed into law a few weeks ago. Their complaint was not just with the regulations, but the fact that, as they claimed, normal hospitals weren't held to the same regulations. The regulations they mentioned were mainly how their clinics should be set up; room size, temperature, etc.

    I find it pretty ironic that they want hospitals to be held to the same regulations as they are, but not vice versa about more important, basic things than room size. Hmmm.

  2. Good point, Grace. By the way, I tweeted your latest blog post about when life begins (found at, by the way). Very thought provoking; I remember using some of those same arguments myself, back in the day.

  3. Thanks for that, Mrs. Stumpf. As you can probably see, I've only just started putting my thoughts down as writing, though I've been studying the abortion issue for about three years, and it's helpful and encouraging to know that more experienced people approve of what I've written. (And that they actually like it enough to tweet it...)

  4. You're welcome! It's important to get people thinking about their assumptions, and you have a good way of presenting ideas that challenge mainstream thoughts on this subject. Keep up your good work.


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